Friday, March 14, 2008

PCCC Protected Typed Logical Write with Mask

Someone asked about the "DF1 Supplement for SLC500" from 1995 which was online at for a short period, then was pulled - probably because it is a very poor quality optical scan. However, I had it ... then lost it ... then found it stashed away on one of my ftp sites.

So here is the original AB PDF (which I downloaded from last year) Grab it here while it survives.

The masked write is on page 11 and the first data-word is the mask and all data following has the SAME mask applied. So [0x0001,0x0000] would clear the LSBit and so on. It doesn't offer mask-data pairs - just one mask and N words. Thus this command is mainly for use with 1 word element writes ... unless you have three or four consecutive N-file words you wish having the same mask applied.

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